My adventures have taken me to jolly old England and more specifically the University of Lancaster.
My flatmates and I decided to venture to Lancaster Castle yesterday. It was absolutely cold, rainy and windy but we figured it would be better to spend the day out adventuring than inside moping. My flatmates here are great. Nilla from Norway, Heather from Colorado and David from Liverpool and I often hang out together.
Sundays always make me extremely homesick, but after going to General Conference Heather, Nilla and I decided to make chocolate cupcakes from a Ghirardelli mix that a friend bought for me as a welcoming present. It was a total flatmate effort. Nilla made the frosting, Johnny got then out of the oven and Heather and I frosted them. Then we all sat down and ate them together. I feel so blessed and lucky to have found some great friends here. I'd write more, but classes start tomorrow and there's still a lot to do! Cheers!
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